Catchpoint Integration

The ilert Catchpoint Integration helps you to easily connect ilert with Catchpoint.

Catchpoint is a comprehensive platform offering a suite of internet performance monitoring tools designed to provide complete, actionable insights and visibility into an organization's entire digital ecosystem.

With ilert integration for Catchpoin, you can enable multi-channel alerting for Catchpoint issues, assign them to specific team members, and use on-call schedules for uninterrupted observation of your system.

In ilert: Create a Catchpoint alert source

  1. Go to Alert sources --> Alert sources and click on Create new alert source

  2. Search for Catchpoint in the search field, click on the Catchpoint tile and click on Next.

  3. Give your alert source a name, optionally assign teams and click Next.

  4. Select an escalation policy by creating a new one or assigning an existing one.

  5. Select you Alert grouping preference and click Continue setup. You may click Do not group alerts for now and change it later.

  6. The next page show additional settings such as customer alert templates or notification prioritiy. Click on Finish setup for now.

  7. On the final page, an API key and / or webhook URL will be generated that you will need later in this guide.

In Catchpoint: Add an alert webhook

  1. In the sidebar click on Settings -> API.

  1. Enable Alert Webhook.

  2. Enter a Name and the previous generated alert source URL into the fields.

  3. Select Template as Format.

  1. Add a new template.

  2. Enter a Name for the template.

  3. Select JSON as Format.

  4. Copy and paste following payload into the Template field:

    "eventType": "${switch(${notificationLevelId},'0','ALERT','1','ALERT','3','RESOLVE')}",
    "alertKey": "${alertInitialTriggerDateUtcEpoch}_${AlertType}_${divisionName}_${productName}_${testName}",
    "summary": "Catchpoint ${AlertType} in ${divisionName} - ${testName} ${if(${AlertTypeId} != '7', - [${nodeDetails(${nodePageFailureErrorCode})}] - ${nodeDetails(${nodePageFailureErrorCodeDesc})})}",
    "details": "There is an ${InitialNotificationlevelText} Catchpoint ${AlertType} in\nDivision: ${divisionName}\nProduct: ${productName}\nTestName: ${testName}\nStatus: ${switch('${notificationLevelId}','0','WARNING','1','CRITICAL','3','IMPROVED')}\n Scatterplot: ${scatterplotChartURL}",
    "scatterPlotUrl": "${scatterplotChartURL}",
    "priority": "${switch(${notificationLevelId},'0','LOW','1','HIGH','')}"
  1. Save the alert webhook.


Will alerts in ilert be resolved automatically?

Yes, as soon as a test or an alert in Catchpoint is resolved, the associated alert in ilert will be resolved automatically.

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#1259: AWS Integrations

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