
ilert's Hashicorp Terraform Integration helps you to create and manage ilert resources.

Make monitoring and alerting part of your Infrastructure as Code projects and automate your requirements efficiently with ilert's Terraform provider.

The source code of the provider is also available on Github.

provider "ilert" {
    organization = "your organization"
    username     = "your username"
    password     = "password"

data "ilert_escalation_policy" "default" {
  name = "Default"

resource "ilert_alert_source" "example" {
  name                    = "My Grafana Integration"
  integration_type        = "GRAFANA"
  escalation_policy       = data.ilert_escalation_policy.default.id
  incident_priority_rule  = "HIGH_DURING_SUPPORT_HOURS"

  support_hours {
    timezone = "Europe/Berlin"

    support_days {
      monday {
        start = "08:00"
        end   = "17:00"

      tuesday {
        start = "08:00"
        end   = "17:00"

      wednesday {
        start = "08:00"
        end   = "17:00"

      thursday {
        start = "08:00"
        end   = "17:00"

      friday {
        start = "08:00"
        end   = "17:00"

Please feel free to reach out to us with a Github issue in case you need help or have feature requests.

Last updated

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