Zabbix 2.2 – 4.3 Integration

The ilert Zabbix Integration helps you to easily connect ilert with Zabbix.

System Requirements

Are you using Zabbix 4.4 or higher? Please refer our Zabbix 4.4+ Integration guide.

  • Zabbix 2.2 - 3.x

  • Python 3.x

In ilert: Create a Zabbix alert source

  1. Go to Alert sources -> Alert sources and click on Create new alert source

  2. Search for Zabbix in the search field, click on the Zabbix tile and click on Next.

  3. Give your alert source a name, optionally assign teams and click Next.

  4. Select an escalation policy by creating a new one or assigning an existing one.

  5. Select you Alert grouping preference and click Continue setup. You may click Do not group alerts for now and change it later.

  6. The next page show additional settings such as customer alert templates or notification prioritiy. Click on Finish setup for now.

  7. On the final page, an API key and / or webhook URL will be generated that you will need later in this guide.

In Zabbix: Download the Zabbix plugin

  1. Download the ilert Zabbix plugin script. The script must be executable by both Zabbix and the cron daemon:

> wget 
> chmod 755
  1. Move the plugin into the AlertsScriptsPath directory. Typically, this is the /usr/local/share/zabbix/alertscripts or /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts.

When in doubt, check the file zabbix_server.conf.

> mv /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts/

Create ilert media type

  1. Go to the Administration → Media types tab and click the Create media type button.

  1. On the media type configuration page, enter "iLert" as name, select "Script" as type and as script name .

  1. Add three script parameters by clicking on Add three times and enter the following macros in the specified order.

Note: This step is not necessary in Zabbix 2.2 , because in this version these three script parameters are passed by default.




  1. Click the Add button to save the media type.

Create ilert user and group

  1. Go to the Administration → User groups tab and click the Create user group button.

  1. Set the name for the ilert group (eg "ilert group").

  1. Switch to the Permissions tab and select the host groups that the ilert group should have read access to send notifications. Without read access, ilert cannot receive notifications for the hosts in the group (see also here).

  2. Click the Add button to save the group.

  1. Switch to the Users tab and click the Create user button.

  1. Assign alias and name and add the user to the ilert group. No further details such as password are necessary as this user will not log in to Zabbix.

  1. Switch to the Media tab and click the Add link

  1. In the media window, select ilert as Type , enter the API key generated above in the Send to field and click the Add button

  1. Click the Add button in the Users tab to save the user.

Create an alert action

  1. Switch to the Configuration → Actions tab and click the Create action button

  1. Give the action a name, eg "ilert notifications".

  1. Perform the following actions on the Operations, Recovery operations and Acknowledgment operations tabs

  2. Fill in the default subject and default message exactly as shown below.

  3. Click on the New link under Operations and select the ilert group created above under Send to User groups . Then click on the Add link.


  • Default subject alert

  • Default message

     "EVENT.ID": "{EVENT.ID}",
     "HOST.HOST": "{HOST.HOST}",
     "HOST.IP": "{HOST.IP}"

Recovery operations

  • Default subject resolve

  • Default message

     "EVENT.ID": "{EVENT.ID}"

Acknowledgment operations

  • Default subject ack

  • Default message

     "EVENT.ID": "{EVENT.ID}"
  1. Click the Add button to save the action

Set up cron job

In the event that the events generated by Zabbix cannot be sent to ilert on the first attempt (e.g. due to a network problem), a cron job is set up. This cron job is executed every minute and sends all failed events to ilert.

  1. Edit the crab file from the Zabbix user

> sudo crontab -u zabbix -e
  1. Add the following entry

* * * * * /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts/ -m send

Adjust the directory according to your AlertScriptsPath configuration in Zabbix.

  1. The Zabbix integration is now set up!


Are alerts automatically resolved in ilert?

Yes, as soon as the status of an alert is OK in Zabbix, the associated alert is resolved in ilert.

Can I link Zabbix to multiple alert sources in ilert?

Yes, create several ilert users in Zabbix and store the corresponding API key in the user Send To field.

What if my internet connection is lost? Are the events generated in Zabbix lost?

No events are lost. The plugin saves the events locally in a temporary directory and tries to send them to ilert every minute. As soon as your connection is available again, buffered events are sent to ilert. We also recommend that you monitor your Internet connection with an external monitoring service. You can then send these alerts to ilert.

The plugin does not work. How do I find the mistake?

Please look first in the log file. The plugin uses the Unix / Linux system log for logging (eg under /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog ). If you can not find the error, please contact our support at

Last updated