Microsoft Teams Integration via Incoming Webhook

The ilert Microsoft Teams Integration helps you to bring alerts into your channels without installing the app.

Office 365 connectors within Microsoft Teams are deprecated, they will no longer work after 15.08.24. Please use Workflow, if you want to migrate an existing alert action you will need to create a new one.

If possible we suggest to use iLert's Microsoft Teams Bot for the setup, this guide and integration is only suggested in case you do not want to grant any permissions to ilert

In Microsoft Teams: Add an ilert Connector to a channel

Admin permission required

To set up the integration, you must have admin rights in ilert.

  1. Select the channel in which you want to publish ilert Alerts and click ... -> Connectors

  1. Type webhook in the search field and click Add

  1. Again click on Add

  1. Now in Connectors click on Configure.

  1. Type the connector Name and click Create.

  1. Copy the connector URL and click Done.

  1. Your connector has now been set up. You will need the URL from step 4 in ilert.

In Microsoft Teams: Manage existing Connectors

  1. Select the channel in which you want to publish ilert Alerts and click ... -> Connectors

  1. In the Manage tab click on Configured.

  1. Now open up the dropdown list by clicking on Configured and click on the Manage button of the desired connector.

In ilert: Create the Microsoft Teams Connector and link it to the alert source

  1. Click the gear icon → Connectors

  1. Click Create Connector

  2. Select Microsoft Teams as Type. Assign a name for the connector, enter the URL from above and save it.

  1. Go to the alert sources tab and open the alert source whose alerts you want to publish to Microsoft Teams. Click Alert Actions → Add New Alert Action.

  1. Select Microsoft Teams as the type, select the connector created in step 3, and name it.

  1. Select the alert filters and conditions for execution as needed and save the alert action.

  1. Finished! You can now test the connection by clicking on the button Test this alert action. Thereafter, a test message will be posted on the Microsoft Teams channel.


Can I link multiple Microsoft Teams Spaces to an ilert account?


Are updates to an alert published on the Microsoft Teams channel?

Yes, the following updates to an alert are currently being released:

  • Escalations : An alert is assigned to another user through an automatic escalation.

  • Manual Assignments : An alert is manually assigned to someone.

  • Actions : An alert is accepted or resolved.

Last updated