With ilert Deployment integration for Argo CD, you can display your deployment pipelines in ilert and enrich alerts’ context. Real-time visibility helps you quickly assess whether a recent deployment triggered an incident. This instant insight is essential for identifying issues as they occur, allowing for a faster response and minimizing downtime.
Setting up
Creating your deployment pipeline in ilert
In any way, a pipeline is required, which will also generate a new integrationKey required to route deployment events when they occur. Head to your ilert account and navigate to Alert sources -> Deployment events.
Head over to the deployment pipelines tab and click on Create new pipeline.
Provide a name for your pipeline.
By clicking on Create, you should end up on the detail view of your Argo CD deployment pipeline.
Providing you with a freshly generated integrationKey and copy & pastable URL ready for your webhook setup.
Configure the notification controllers configmap in Argo CD
Locate the notification controllers configmap in your setup.
Add following under data in the configmap and enter your :