Mute notifications

Activate the Mute Notifications feature to silence all notifications from ilert channels during periods when you're unavailable, such as vacations.

To enable this feature:

  1. Click on your avatar in the top-right corner of the ilert interface.

  2. Toggle the 'Mute Notifications' switch to the on position.

Setting the Quiet Period:

You can specify the duration for which notifications should be muted:

  • For predefined durations, select one of the available options.

  • To define a custom period, click 'Custom…' and enter your start and end dates/times.

It is important to know that incoming calls originating from call routing numbers are not muted. We advise to implement schedule overrides as a way to manage these cases.

Visibility to Colleagues:

When 'Mute Notifications' is active, your avatar will display a crossed-out bell icon. This signals to your team members that you are not receiving notifications during this time.

Last updated