Zapier Inbound Integration
Integrate ilert with 2,000+ apps through Zapier
Zapier is built for the automation of tasks between different web apps. Through its platform, users can create automated workflows by triggering a specific action in one app based on a defined trigger in another app.
In ilert: Create a Zapier alert source (optional)
You can connect Zapier with an existing alert source of any integration type. Skip this step, if you'd like to connect Zapier with an existing alert source.
Go to Alert sources --> Alert sources and click on Create new alert source
Search for Amazon Cloudwatch in the search field, click on the Amazon Cloudwatch tile and click on Next.
Give your alert source a name, optionally assign teams and click Next.
Select an escalation policy by creating a new one or assigning an existing one.
Select you Alert grouping preference and click Continue setup. You may click Do not group alerts for now and change it later.
The next page show additional settings such as customer alert templates or notification prioritiy. Click on Finish setup for now.
On the final page, an API key and / or webhook URL will be generated that you will need later in this guide.
In Zapier: Connect Zapier with ilert
In the sidebar, click on Apps

Search for ilert in the search field and click on Connect

A pop up window will open and asks for an ilert API Key
To create an ilert API Key, switch back to ilert and click on the user icon -> Manage API keys

Now click on Add API key

Enter a Name for the API key and click on Save

A pop up window will now appear, containing the API key. Copy the key

Paste the new generated API key into Zapier pop up window and click Yes, Continue to iLert

Create a Zap
Go to Zapier and click on Make a Zap
On the next page, search for a trigger source, e.g. Jira
Choose your account and customize the settings of you trigger source, then click on the Done Editing button
Click on the Choose an Action button to add ilert action
Enter iLert into the search field and click on the ilert app
In the Action Event section choose the Create Alert action **to create an alert when a Jira issue is created. Then click on the Continue** button.
On the next slide, choose your ilert account. Then click on the Continue button.
On the next slide, in the Integration Key section, choose the Alert Source that you created before. In the Alert key section, we recommend to enter an alert key, so you can accept or resolve an alert in other Zaps. In the Summary section, enter or insert an alert summary. You can optionally enter or insert Details, Priority and URL. Then click on the Continue button.
On the next slide, click on Test & Continue to test alert creation.
On the next slide, click on Turn On Zap to activate your confugation.
Will alerts in ilert be resolved automatically?
Yes, you need to configure an Accept Alert action with Alert Key for this in your Zap
Will alerts in ilert be accepted automatically?
Yes, you need to configure an Resolve Alert action with Alert Key for this in your Zap
Can I connect Zapier with multiple alert sources from ilert?
Yes, simply create more Zaps in Zapier.
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Zapier Outbound IntegrationLast updated
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