GitHub Integration
Connect GitHub with ilert with ilert native integration
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Connect GitHub with ilert with ilert native integration
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GitHub is a web-based platform that provides hosting for software development and a robust version control system using Git. With Github, developers can manage and track changes to their code, collaborate with other developers, and also utilize various built-in GitHub features such as pull requests, issues, actions, and a marketplace of tools and extensions.
GitHub Advanced Security Integration
Create alerts in ilert based on code scans, secret scans and Dependabot scans from GitHub
GitHub Inbound Check Run (Actions) Integration
Add alerts in ilert based on "check run" from GitHub
GitHub Inbound Issue Integration
Create alerts in ilert based on repository issues from GitHub
GitHub Outbound Issue Integration
Create issues in GitHub based on alerts from ilert
GitHub advanced settings
Customize the GitHub alert source for a better user experience