Zammad Outbound Integration

With the Zammad Outbound Integration you can create Zammad Tickets right from ilert alerts.

To set up this integration, you must have admin rights in ilert.

In Zammad: Create an API key

  1. Optional: create a dedicated ilert user in Zammad. This has the advantage that you can distinguish the Zammad tickets created by ilert.

  2. Go to Profile, then to Token Access and click on Create

  1. In the Name section, enter a name eg. ilert

  1. In the Ticket section, choose Agent

  1. Click on Create

An agent token has a group scope

An agent token has a group scope so if you want to use a group that the current user is not a member of, you need to create a token with the admin scope for all groups.

  1. The modal window will open, copy the generated access token

In ilert: Create a Zammad Connector and link to the alert source

  1. Click on the gear icon and then on the Connectors button

  1. Click on Add Connector

  1. Select Zammad as type and fill in all fields. Enter a name, the URL of your Zammad server and the access token that you have created in the previous step.

  1. Go to the alert sources tab and open the alert source whose alerts you want to publish in Zammad. Click on Alert actions and then on Create alert action.

  1. Select Zammad as the type; futhermore select the connector created in step 3, fill in all fields.

In the Email field enter the existing customer email of Zammad.

  1. Finished! You can now test the connection by clicking on the button Test this connection.

  2. A test ticket will be created in Zammad.


Are updates to an alert added to the Zammad Ticket?

Yes, the state of the ilert Alert is reflected in the brief description of the Zammad ticket eg. [RESOLVED] Host compute.infra is DOWN.

Can I choose which updates are to be published to a Zammad Ticket?

Currently not. If you wish to, we look forward to your feedback via chat or e-mail

Can I use custom group for the Zammad tickets?

Yes, you need to create an agent token and include the user in the group or create an admin token with the group scope.

Can I use multiple Zammad groups?

Yes, just create an alert action for each Zammad group.

Zammad Inbound Integration

Last updated